The St. Benedict Preparatory School Advisory Board has streamlined its approach to fundraising with the goal of making fundraising efforts more focused, more purposeful, more impactful, and integrated into overall parish stewardship.  The three core fundraisers that will raise money for the school are:

Fun Run:  this September school fundraiser, sponsored by the Home School Association, incorporates fitness, leadership, and character development.

SBPS Annual School Fund:  this November giving campaign requests parents, alumni, and friends to make a direct financial donation to the school.

Gala:  this annual spring event is a celebratory, community-wide event that is one of our largest fundraisers, providing a wide-range of participation opportunities for parishioners and friends.

If you would like information on how you can involved please contact Mr. Joe Accardi in the Mission Advancement Office at or 773-509-3832.

Fundraising and Volunteer Requirements

There is NO mandatory fundraising fee or volunteer requirement. Our school community has thrived over the past years because families give generously of their time, talent and treasure. We encourage families to contribute as their time and income allows. It is strongly encouraged that each family make a financial contribution to the Annual School Fund because our goal is 100% family participation. There is a difference between the actual cost of a St. Benedict Prep Education and Tuition. We ask families to contribute what they can to help make up this difference with a tax exempt gift to the Annual School Fund.