Navigating the High School Process

Greetings SBPS families,

I hope everyone has been enjoying the nice weather and the first few weeks of summer break! On Tuesday, June 28th at 6 pm I will be presenting via Zoom on the upcoming high school process with a Q&A at the end. Overview of the presentation includes the Catholic high school process, CPS process, and any current updates. 

If you are able to attend, please use the Zoom that was emailed to you. If you no longer have that link, please email me and I will send it to you. I will be starting right at 6 pm to ensure we have enough time for questions. Please note that the Q&A will be for general high school questions-- if you have specific questions regarding your child and the process, please reach out to me at

If you are unable to attend the live session, it will be recorded and posted on the St. Bens High School page the following day-- link here to HS page.

Can't wait to see you all next week!

Ms. Blazkow