We Love Lunchroom Volunteers! Sign Up Today!

The teachers loved having help in the lunchroom last school year! 

Kinder/First graders are eating in the lunchroom separately this year, with Kindergarten having lunch from 11-11:30 and First Grade having lunch from 11:30-12:00. Second/Third graders are eating in the lunchroom from 12:00-12:30.  

We are looking for 2 volunteers each day to help from 11:00-12:05 to cover both Kindergarten and First Grade lunches (covering a kinder class from 11-11:30 and then a first grade class from 11:30-12:00).  Additionally, we are in need of 2 more volunteers daily from 12:00-12:35 (covering a Second OR Third grade class from 12:00-12:30).

Volunteers do not need to have a child in K-3rd grade to help out.  If a parent volunteer has a child in K-3rd, we will make every effort to pair that parent volunteer to/near their child's class in the lunchroom, but it is not guaranteed.  We appreciate your help!

Please read the guidelines prior to signing up. Remember, all volunteers MUST be an approved VIRTUS trained volunteer.  All the information can be found in the sign up genius.

Thank you for your consideration!