Register today for Day-Off Athletic Camp for Monday, February 17, 2025 Hosted at SBPS

Various Camp Options for Students Grades K-8

Staying active and in the gym on those days off from school not only benefits a player socially, but also physically by providing just another opportunity to develop and improve.

LVL's Day-Off & Holiday Camps feature a variety of options, each of which is tailored to appropriate age groupings. LVL will seek to group camps by the following grade groupings: Grades K - 3rd (or 5th pending camp offering) | Grades 3rd - 5th | Grades 6th - 8th.

Please note, camp offerings (i.e., grade groups) will vary pending facilities and registrations. Additionally, registration titles per each camp grouping may not reflect what is laid out above. 

Click here to see program offerings and to register.